„forbidden fruit“ (2021)
“forbidden fruit” exhibition curated by Hannah Feigl
19.11. – 3.12.2021
Wed – Sat 16h – 19h, Sun 15h – 18h
Vernissage on 18 November 2021, 18h in the presence of the artists
21 November 2021, 11h artist talk
Wed & Sun 16h, guided tour
“forbidden fruit” is a collaborative exhibition of 18 international visual artists. The exhibition will take place in Autumn 2021 at the Vienna Sandleitenhof. This new COMMUNITY / ART / CENTER is being developed by “soho in ottakring” in an historic cinema.
The title recalls God forbidding Adam and Eve: “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Gen 1, 16-17)
“Forbidden fruit” is about the peaceful and innocent coexistence of humankind. The fruit is a symbol of lost innocence, as well as the human learning of good and evil.
Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked …Genesis 1./3
Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” Genesis 1./3
After they ate the apple, God banished them from the garden of Eden to spend their lives in hardship. So paradise becomes a longed-for place, its eternal peace a dream, a stark contrast to the cruel horrors of our world.
Even so, people from all over the world can be connected through love and respect – moving forward with people of any gender identity, color, religion… a world without borders. This connection is what will bring us back to our original state – a far away ideal as we face a global pandemic.
The “Forbidden fruit” brings us knowledge, yearning, ostracism or regret. Regardless of experience or opinion, this title stimulates our imagination and produces a wide range of interpretations
Hannah Feigl.
Artists :
Claire Barbier (F), Hannah Feigl (A), Johanna Freise (D), Sedef Hatapkapulu (A/TUR), Behruz Heschmat (A/IRN), Paul Horn (A), Petra Hudcova (CZE), Brendan Kronheim (A), Aiste Kirvelyte (LT), Demis Martinelli (I)
Mara Mattuschka (A/BGR), Bele Marx & Gilles Mussard (A/F),Janos Szurcsik (A/HUN), Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe (A, F/ DR Kongo), Annette Wirtz (D)
Fatih Aydoğdu (A/TUR), Jasmyne Raneri (US)