Reflect Festival – 6, 7 and 8 Sept @ 16h – WUK

R E F L E C T Festival

06. – 08. September 2019


Währingerstraße 59

1090 WIEN

A multi-disciplinary festival which addresses the need to question ‘othering’ practices in the arts and process of cultural ‘othering’. REFLECT festival thus encourage discussions between diverse youth groups on the topics of self-representation, review on cultural identity and community.

REFLECT: Symposium + Performative Exhibition + DJ line
6th Sept, 4pm (Welcoming & Catering by Afro Rainbow Austria)

The symposium and the performative exhibition will take place in cooperation with the ‘SFC Jugendcorner’ and will gather young people as experts, artists and cultural workers to talk about the topics: self-reflection, self-love and ‘othering’.

Lectures & Performances, 5pm – 8:30pm (WUK-Projektraum)
SFC Jugendcorner (Youth Group of the Schwarze Frauen Community)
Belinda Kazeem (artist, writer)
Karen Michelsen Castañón (visual artist and art educator)
Henrie Dennis (activist, curator)
Nitin Bharosa (cultural theorist and writer)
Marissa Lôbo (artist, curator)
Imani Rameses (performance artist)

DJ Line, 9pm (Foy